Ivanka Trump on her father: 'He's not a groper'

Ivanka Trump on her father: 'He's not a groper'

Ivanka Trump says 'The New York Times' "created facts" in their story about Donald Trump "crossing the line" with women.Ivanka Trump says she supposes a New York Times story asserting that her dad abuses ladies is a mutilation of the truths. One reason: "He's not a groper."

"I observed it to be really aggravating, in light of the actualities as I probably am aware them," Trump's little girl told CBS host Norah O'Donnell in a meeting that will air in full on Wednesday's "This Morning" appear. "I'm not in each connection my dad has, but rather he's not a groper — it's not who he is," she said when asked in regards to a particular record in the story where a lady said the hypothetical Republican candidate grabbed her.

Trump said that she knows the genuine actualities about her dad since she is both his little girl and business accomplice.

The Times story — which was distributed throughout the weekend — says Trump made unseemly remarks in regards to ladies.

"Interviews uncover unwelcome advances, an insightful dependence on aspiration, and unsettling work environment conduct over decades," the Times introduction peruses.

However, in the days taking after the story's production, there has been solid pushback from Donald Trump and his battle. Also, one of the principle ladies in the story has taken a stand in opposition to it, saying that the Times contorted her words to give a negative intending to the story.

In her meeting with CBS, Trump said that the story has been "to a great extent disparaged since (its distribution.)"

"They had such a solid proposal and made realities to fortify it. Also, you know, I feel that account has been playing out now," she said.

On Tuesday night Trump battle supervisor Corey Lewandowski showed up on CNN and called the story hostile.

"It is slanderous, on the grounds that it was verifiably erroneous," Lewandowski said. "They had the chance to hit the nail on the head, they picked not to take care of business."

Trump has more than once teased the meeting by means of Twitter and on Tuesday night he followed one of the correspondents particularly.

"Michael Barbaro, the creator of the now defamed @nytimes hit piece on me with ladies, has in past tweeted gravely about me. He ought to leave," he tweeted. In any case, The New York Times and the correspondents who composed the story have resolvedly stuck by it.

"We truly remain by our story, we trust we cited her reasonably and precisely and that the story truly justifies itself with real evidence," Barbaro said in a meeting with CNN Monday.

What's more, Wednesday morning he tweeted a reaction to Trump: "Trump had this to say in regards to me in our meeting a week ago: 'I will say as of late Michael composed reasonably, I must be honest...'Fickle!"