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Tips on Eating Healthy
It is a known fact that most advocates of eating healthy are against foods that are a favourite for many people. On the bright side it is still possible to have one’s favourite meals and eat healthy by cooking them right and using the right equipment. An example is where non-stick cooking pans can be used to reduce the amount of cooking oil needed to prepare meals or microwaving vegetables instead of boiling them to retain as many nutrients as possible.
One of the tips of eating healthy is keeping fats to a minimum by choosing lean meats and reduced-fat dairy products. Limiting the amount of processed fat is also a way of cutting down on the hidden fat in these commodities. There are other healthy alternatives such as going for other foods that contain healthy fat such as nuts, seeds, fish, olives, soy and avocado. The fats in these foods also come with other nutrients, so it is a healthy option. If it is absolutely necessary that one adds fat when cooking the best thing to do would be to use monounsaturated fats like olive and canola oil.
Getting To The Point – Foods
It is of vital importance to state that cooking begins with the ingredients. Taking that into consideration it is important to shop for healthy food stuffs such as when shopping for low-fat food a person should choose the reduced or low-fat versions of foods like cheese, milk, yoghurt, gravies and even salad dressings. The other important thing is that when selecting meat a person should go for lean meat cuts and skinless chicken and fast foods, such as chips, processed meats, pastries, crisps and pies, should be consumed on a minimum because they contain a lot of fat.
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The other important thing to consider is low-fat cooking. It is a known fact that when using oil, it is best to apply a small amount of oil with a pastry brush. Another option is that a person can opt to cook using fluids like stock, wine, fruit juice, lemon juice, water, or even vinegar instead of using oil. It is worth acknowledging that when it comes to choosing a cream for use in sauces and soups, it is better to use low-fat yoghurt, cornstarch, evaporated skim milk, or low-fat milk. The bottom line is that healthy eating is about conserving as many nutrients in the food as possible. It is true that water-soluble vitamins are easily denatured during cooking thus need to be cooked well. To retain as many nutrients as possible, a person can scrub vegetables instead of peeling them. It is important to highlight that steaming vegetables instead of boiling them also helps to preserve nutrients. Stir-frying vegetables also help retain most nutrients since the vegetables cook faster and maintain their crunch. It is very important to recognize the fact that by following these steps, the person eating will eat more healthy and tasty food.

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