This egg is Bunao pills

In the eyes of Chinese medicine, quail eggs and quail, as has always been the treasures in the food, and have high medicinal value, as the Emperor in ancient times to eat, it is name of precious food court. It’s adjustable for irregular menstruation of women make up, beauty, skin beauty effect, antenatal, maternal postpartum anemia has a high nourishing effect. Thus it is known as the panacea for longevity.
In addition, the United Kingdom, a study found that quail eggs is a natural mental “Bunao pills.” “To eat birds, pigeons quails”, especially the quail eggs, have “share in the eggs,” said. First of all, quail eggs containing lecithin and cephalin, 3-4 times higher than eggs, are essential nutrients of higher nervous activity, brain, brain effect is remarkable. Second, vitamin d-rich quail eggs. United Kingdom University of Manchester study found that of the more than more than 3,000 men, people with higher levels of vitamin d, memory and information processing ability is much better.
Meanwhile, quail egg nutrient molecules smaller than eggs easier to absorb and utilize. Compared to eggs, quail eggs cholesterol levels even lower. General cholesterol per 100 grams of quail eggs in about 515 mg, eggs for 585 milligrams. Think more people, can eat 5-6 quail eggs in a day, preferably with steamed or boiled, best of nutrition absorption.

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