A Simple Plan: Companies

A Simple Plan: Companies

Different Ways to Find Roofing Companies
Now a day, it is important for us to maintain the roof structures of our houses because this is one of the most essential parts in our house because it protects the other parts of the house with different kinds of weather like during sunny, stormy and rainy seasons. In order to maintain the durability and cleanliness of your roofing structure, you must hire a professional roofing manpower so that they can check or inspect your roof and they can suggest to you reasonable ways on how to maintain it.
Homeowners or some people need to worry too much on where to find professional roofing companies because there are now many of them who can be found in our own local community and they also have their professional websites that you can search over the internet. There are now roofing companies that are now offering various affordable payment terms to their clients because they know that maintaining roofing structures are somewhat costly and these flexible and affordable payment terms can somehow help their clients to achieve a durable and clean roof for their homes.
You must be able to make sure to hire the right contractor as there are many roofing professionals in the country and these companies must be an expert in repairing roofing structures so that they will be able to coordinate with you their findings in your roofing structure. In order for you to find a professional roofing company, you may ask referrals from other contractors of the house, form your family, colleague and close friends so that you will have an idea on who you are dealing with.
3 Roofs Tips from Someone With Experience
When you have a preferred roofing company in mind, you must be able to do a background check on the management of the company because it is important they follow rules and regulations when to the roofing industry so that you will know that is safe to transact with them. There are certain certificates and licenses that are required to have by the employees or staff of the roofing companies because based form these documents they can be eligible in their work when clients hire them to do the maintenance and repair of roofs.
The Best Advice About Companies I’ve Ever Written
It is much better, if you are going to hire professional roofing companies that have been with the industry for so many years because with this, you can be assured that they have already years of experience in fixing your roofing structures. You can always search the internet if you want a professional roofing company to maintain and repair your roof so that you would not worry too much when you have leak or any other related roofing problems in your house that you might think of.
What I Can Teach You About Businesses

What I Can Teach You About Businesses

The Core Functions of High Risk Merchant Accounts
A merchant account is an agreement between a business and a loan company or a lender. This kind of agreement implies that the lender allows payments for the goods or solutions with respect to the business enterprise. These Merchant obtaining banks means that a merchant or organization can acknowledge payment worldwide to customers for the merchandise or solutions they deliver.
Therefore merchant accounts form an essential component of any E-commerce business. There are a few types of merchant accounts.
The initial kind may be the normal account, where in fact the merchant can have straight access to the cards and make sure that it is the best customer, thereby the chance involved is minimal. The next type of merchant account entails the accounts where it isn’t feasible to visually testify the client.
These kinds of accounts include mature entertainment merchants, on-line tobacco merchants, look-alike merchants, online gambling retailers, prepaid calling merchants, VOIP merchants, multi-level marketing merchants, or any deal that occurs with the consumer physically not present. Therefore, the likelihood of fraud activity is a lot greater with this kind of business which effects in classifying these types of accounts as “risky” ones. Obviously, these risky seller accounts present the possibility of the dreaded charge backs for the banks involved.
It’s been proved by different studies that these risky processing transactions are a lot more vulnerable to fraudulent orders. These elements substantially reduce the number of banks ready to take up these risky processing accounts.
These adversely impact the applying organization in establishing payment processing accounts. They often times stumbled upon a scenario where in fact the banking institutions generally decline their application, or impose high constraints on the accounts transactions which practically helps it be unattainable to conduct regular business.
Truly if a merchant has generated a monthly payment processing account with a lender, he can’t ever be sure that the partnership with the lender is safe. The lender might revise their underwriting requirements anytime, and all of a sudden, merchants are facing a predicament where the payment procedures adversely impact their business.
At this time, many top-notch banks are prepared to establish risky merchant accounts. These data files are really individualized accounts. The banks research the system intensively and attract conclusions on the prices of transaction that needs to be imposed. High-risk merchant acquiring banks glance at the technique that the organization uses to draw clients, the expected beginning and the types of consumers that might try them.
These banking institutions also stimulates merchants to start multiple accounts thereby making sure a varied payment process, and also if one accounts encounters a concern, business can go through the other active versions.
Source: http://dailyroabox.com/business/great-ways-start-business-bad-credit/
The Beginners Guide To Resources (Finding The Starting Point)

The Beginners Guide To Resources (Finding The Starting Point)

Tax Returns are Beneficial to Each and Every Individual
In this day and age, everything in the market and even our owned properties have certain taxes that are most likely imposed by the government and the nation. Taxes is anything that is in monetary value or other levy that is charged or imposed to an individual or legal or business entity which is also called as taxpayers by the state where they are situated in order to fund different kinds of public expenditures. In other words, taxes are charged and imposed to a taxpayer in a goal to raise the profit which are used to supply a specific government and other types of functions which includes income and expenditures on scientific research, military, highways and public works, arts and culture, distribution, dissemination and data collection, public insurance, the government and finally, is the economic infrastructure such as health care systems, legal systems, roads, public transportations, sanitation, public safety and education. A certain government are using different types of taxes and varies with the rates of taxes in regards to the social and financial status of a business and an individual or family. For a government to create and produce a system of taxation and the nation is the one who makes the choices in regards to the tax burden that is distributed amongst the citizens for how much they will pay, who is tasked to pay the taxes and how the taxes that is collected will be spent.
Tax returns for example in the country of the United States of America is a kind of report that is filed either with the tax collection agency that is located locally, with the state and the internal revenue service or IRS, which contains the documents, knowledge and information that are used to calculate other taxes implemented by the government and the income taxes. An internal revenue service is a government agency like for example the bureau of the department of treasury in the United States of America that is under the direction of the commissioner of internal revenue that is basically responsible for the intake of the income or profit of the government that includes all kinds of taxes and other non-tax revenues in the purpose of collecting taxes and the administration and management of the internal revenue code or IRC. Its main purpose of proposing and creating a tax return is to help indigents or poor individuals or families to pay for inclusion by offering financial support to them and to compensate or to offset the expenses of monthly healthcare insurances and other expenditures.
Source: Tax Return
A Simple Plan: Experts

A Simple Plan: Experts

Why You Might Need an Accountant for Effective Tax Returns
An interesting fact is that most taxpayers file their returns by either using a software or filling in forms. An interesting observation is that for most people, it takes maybe at most an hour to file returns while for some it takes hours or maybe even days. It important to acknowledge the fact that some people also do not enjoy filling taxes or do not have the time to submit them. In some cases people overpay the taxman and some do not know even what reasons can trigger the need for an audit. It is a known fact that the reasons above are indicators that someone should hire an accountant to handle the tax return procedures. There are other indicators are discussed below.
It is worth noting that one of these indicators is the fact that the person filing returns is now earning more money. An interesting fact is that an increment income also increases the possibility of an audit. For people making below $200,000 the odds are 0.9% and for someone who has an income of a million and above the odds significantly rise to 12.5%. It is true that at this point, it would be a good decision to have an accountant in case the IRS comes calling for an audit.
The other factor that might trigger the need for an accountant is if the person is a business owner, has rental properties or is self-employed. A majority of businesses and rental properties has an expense called depreciation on capital assets, which is another tax category all together that most people do not know. On the bright side accountant is well versed in the various tax categories and will help the business owner to file the correct tax returns.
It is true that investors also need to accountants, especially if they are selling stocks and other capital assets. The other good thing is that an accountant is very helpful in this scenario as they can help the investor to get tax rates that are below their regular income and assist in determining other ways of minimizing taxes like tax-loss savings.
It is a known fact that estate planning is also another area that needs the services of an accountant. While planning the will, accountants can help the person chose financial instruments that are tax-deferred or tax-free. These savings will guarantee that the beneficiaries will not lose a lot of money to the taxman.
An interesting fact is that filing tax returns is a time-consuming activity that might even span for days. An interesting fact is that an accountant can help a person file tax returns and use the time saved to focus on income generating activities.
Source: Tax
How I Became An Expert on Returns

How I Became An Expert on Returns

A Quick Guide to Tax Returns
To help in running a government, taxes are levies imposed on the citizens who have attained a certain age to fund its expenditures. This is a law that everyone should pay their taxes, and failure to do so is a punishable act. The taxation goes into funding activities that are involved in the running of a government in all the sectors.
The expenditures should be able to be at par with the taxes otherwise a government goes into debt. To pay this taxes, one has to file a tax return. Different taxing authorities in different countries prepare this form which is used in calculating the amount of taxes a person is meant to pay. The forms can be downloaded from the internet or even found in the different taxing authorities’ offices.
In making a tax return, the government is able to know about the individuals’ total income and the accrued wealth and debts. A person who is an adult according to a certain country’s identification and has an income then they are meant to fill a return. It doesn’t matter the kind of occupation one does, whether private, public or self-employed. The filing of these reports usually have a deadline and once you delay a penalty is given.
There are a variety of taxes that an individual can make a return for. Starting with the income taxes, these are meant to be imposed on people with an income. This is done on the taxable income which are the profits.
To the individuals on a payroll, we have the employment taxes. This is done by getting a certain percentage of the salaries paid and it involves both the employers and the employees. Pay as you earn is a deduction that employees get as part of these payroll taxes. We also have the taxes that an employer pays to cater for employing people from his or her own funds based on the amount of the employees’ wages.
We also have the statutory excise tax which is an inland tax on the production of goods for sale within a certain country. The excise duties are an addition to the other taxes like the value-added taxes.
When a title is transferred to a property, then a tax known as the transfer taxes is paid. Involved in this is the areas like the real estates and in shares where registrations of formal agreements have to be done and probably involves a stamp duty.
It is important to make the returns on time to avoid the charges done on defaulters and late payments once you know the kind that you are supposed to make.
Source: Tax Return
Getting To The Point – Taxes

Getting To The Point – Taxes

Advantages of Filing Tax Returns Online
At the beginning of every year, it is common to see advertisements everywhere: Television, radio, Web, newspapers, billboards and flyers regarding filing your taxes. These adverts typically go on until the last date for filing taxes to cater for the late filers. This trend has become extremely popular to the point that most people prefer filing taxes online.
Frankly, filing taxes online is an age-old trend. This approach has been the reserve of tax professionals for at least two decades now. Since approximately everyone has access to the internet, it is preferable to use it.
Filing taxes on the internet has numerous benefits, and the following ones are just a fraction of what it offers.
Firstly, filing taxes on the internet saves time and money. The money part is a bit coherent. Most tax filing software costs a fraction of what a professional would charge you for the same service. Even better, you can opt for freeware that offers the same service. When it comes to saving time, you only need to type in the details and the rest is history.
Filing taxes on the internet is also convenient. People who use tax-filing software do not have to worry about organizing all their documentation and sending them to the tax preparer or mailing them to the individual. Regardless of time or place, you can carry out the process by yourself so long as you have reliable access to the internet.
Filing taxes online helps in identifying errors done during the calculation. E-filing helps users achieve these benefits in two ways. Firstly, these tools have in-built error checkers that alert the user when he or she commits an error. Secondly, when you send your details, another person from the other end of the IRS offices will receive the data and enter them into their database. The fact that you are filling e-forms makes it impossible for errors to be committed at the other end.
Also, filing taxes online ensures maximum tax deductions. This is because reliable tax filing software is constantly modified to conform to the latest tax law. The programs also ensure that the right tax deductions that are suited for you are done. According to the answers you give from the questions asked by the app, the application lets you know just what applies to your scenario, ensuring that you get the highest refund that you qualify for.
Filing taxes on the web makes tax-preparation simpler and considerably faster. Moreover, you can always consult with a friend or kin when you get stuck at any step.
Source: Tax
The Beginner’s Guide to Experts

The Beginner’s Guide to Experts

Why You Should File Tax Returns Online
Scientific know-how has the ability to influence the conduct of virtually anything. Technology came to simplify processes making them easier and short. Most of the processes that have been automated are far much effective than those done manually. Technology has modified the way in which financial transactions and accounting are done. Even fulfilling legal requirements to do with finance such as tax obligations much easier. Filling tax returns online are far much simpler. It allows one to do the tax self assessment. The taxpayer has, therefore, the benefit of honoring state obligations with much ease. One is saved the need to follow queues in the tax collection offices to just file the returns. It also gives you a good chance to fill in the benefits and exemptions that you are entitled to easily.
A Smartphone or a computer is all you need to get started. You will then have to use the internet connection to visit the website of their tax collection agency. You need to provide your financial details to open an account with them. This is the account which you will be using to access the website of the tax authority. The identity and the password are the things you need to remember. Whenever you want to file your tax returns, you will use these details to log into your account. For those who already have the account, they simply need to log into the system using the details.
All your tax information such as receipts and last year return copy needs to be available. Some of your tax information can be available in your account. It is very easy to identify the tax benefits and the credits that an individual may be entitled to. These may range from child to family benefits. You can then send your tax returns using certified software which makes it fast and secure. You can send the returns electronically on the software or by mail to the tax collection offices. The process of submitting the payments or requesting the refunds will thus be complete.
You need to ensure that you file the returns at the right time. This is to help you avoid being on the wrong side of the law. There exist no good reason as to why you should wait until the last minute. Every person who is earning needs to file all the returns. Should you be missing some of the receipts; you can as well continue to file your returns. Filling the returns ai also vital for those who are not earning. This can help them access to state benefits. Filing the tax returns online give the chance to remain updated by the tax authorities. These include but not limited to laws and benefits relating to taxes.
Source: online tax return
5 Lessons Learned: Experts

5 Lessons Learned: Experts

Advantages of Using the Internet to File Your Tax Returns
Tax returns are costly and frustrating; however they are compulsory for anyone that is employed. On the other hand, in case you realize that you cannot do the filling on your own it is best that you consult a professional. Furthermore, attempting to undertake the taxation returns on your own is even more challenging if you have many jobs within the financial year. Online taxation returns is cheaper, easier and faster. Hence, in case you have a mortgage or children and a work car then you can use the online tax returns.
Moreover, it is clear that online taxation returns have increasingly become more prevalent globally. In addition, the people that have previously used the online services to file their taxation returns have mentioned that they were fruitful. Real taxation agents provide online inexpensive taxation assistance using virtual systems that act on behalf of the agent in assisting you to complete and fill your forms. These systems are connected to a real tax expert and all the taxation returns that you file are examined by an expert before they are transferred to a taxation department. The methods of using the Internet is extremely fast, and you can receive results instantly; therefore that makes it the best option for you. On the other hand, if you use the manual technique, then you will probably get a refund after six weeks. Online taxation returns are more inexpensive than any other kind of filing return method. The speed of communication is fast due to the development of the Internet. When you use the most modern messaging program, then you can easily receive an answer from the taxation returns agents instantly.
Also, the chances of making mistakes is extremely negligible. The system assists you to assess the mistakes and then gives you an opportunity to correct them. Further, your calculations are performed by the software hence there is little chance for mistakes. Similarly, you are able to obtain your taxation return confirmation instantly after you complete the entire process.
On the other hand, if you are not able to fill your taxation returns online then you can seek the services of professional service provider. On the other hand, the expert that you select should have the necessary qualification and in this case, he should have be a certified public accountant. Ensure that you ask the people that you trust whether they have worked with a certified public qualification in the past. Also, ask about their experience and whether they would recommend the professional to you. Before you hire any expert make sure that you research them.
Source: Tax Return
IVA Debt Advice: The Best Alternative to Bankruptcy

IVA Debt Advice: The Best Alternative to Bankruptcy

IVA are for those people who have the bankruptcy problem looming over there heads. These are the most beneficial for all those people who are under a lot of debts and are facing bankruptcy. IVA stands for Individual Voluntary Agreement. It is an agreement between the creditor and the borrower. This agreement is completely legal and binding. IVA came about to be under the Insolvency Act of 1986 .IVA debt advice helps in tackling the problem of bankruptcy and other debt related problems. After the agreement between the borrower and the creditor takes place an insolvency practitioner is assigned to the borrower and the repayment plan is worked out accordingly. Through the IVA’s the loan amount that the person has to pay back gets reduced by a considerable extent.
IVA is an agreement between a borrower and a creditor. After this agreement is signed it becomes the duty of the associated company to help out the borrower with the debt and offer him the best advice that may be needed to tackle his/her financial problem. The borrower should choose the company with care as it will be that company only which will be helping him out. After the agreement has been signed an insolvency practitioner is assigned to the borrower to help him out. This insolvency practitioner helps the borrower in deciding the best repayment plan. Normally up to 75% of the loan can be wiped off. The loan amount can be reduced to such an extent that the borrower can pay back the loan.
After IVA the loan amount can be reduced to such an extent that the person is comfortable in paying off. It can be reduced up to an extent of 75% of the total amount. There are no extra payments that the borrower needs to make and also there are no hidden costs and charges. By taking this way out the borrower's is protected against any court action and also his job safety is ensured.
After having hisself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Daren Jone understands the need for good quality loan advice. To find , IVA programms for bankruptcy, , IVA bankruptcy help, IVA Information visit


Bankruptcy may be defined as the legally declared inability of an individual or organisation to pay their creditors, who represent a third party which supplied, to the individual or organisation, a product or service for which they are legally entitled to receive full settlement.
As part of a process called involuntary bankruptcy, a creditor may instigate bankruptcy proceedings against a debtor in order to secure the funds for which they are owed. However, in the majority of cases, such proceedings are not required. Under the auspices of a voluntary bankruptcy, the bankruptcy process is initiated by the debtor, which means that it is filed by the bankrupt individual or organisation.
History In the Old Testament of the Bible and Hebrew Scriptures, the laws of Moses laid down that one Holy or Jubilee Year should take place every 50 years. Accordingly, on this day, all debts would be expunged from all Jews, and all debt slaves would be freed from their encumbrances, this being part of a heavenly command. In fact, the Hebrew, or Jewish law of debt forgiveness, can be found in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy 15:1–2 which gives gives clear instructions on the release from debt of all encumbered individuals every seven years. In the book of Nehemiah chapter 5, there is an entry relating to debt forgiveness among the Jewish repatriates to Jerusalem.
Further, bankruptcy did not exist in ancient Greece, which relates to the period from circa 1100 BC and the Dorian invasion, to 146 BC and the Roman conquest of Greece after the battle of Corinth. In such times, only locally born adult males could be classified as citizens. Accordingly, it was only the fathers who were entitled to legal ownership of property. Thus, every member of his family would be forced into what was called debt slavery if a father was unable to settle his outstanding debts. This would include his wife, children and servants. Such a status would be retained until the creditor had received due compensation by way of their combined physical labour.
In many city states in ancient Greece, debt slavery was restricted to a period of five years, and debt slaves were given the protection of life and limb, which regular slaves did not enjoy. On the other hand, servants of the debtor were not so fortunate. In fact, they could be retained beyond the five year deadline by the creditor and were often forced to serve their new master for possibly even a lifetime, usually under significantly harsher conditions.
The term Bankruptcy has its origins in the ancient Latin word bancus, which refers to a long bench or possibly a table, and ruptus which means broken. The term bank originally referred to a bench.
The first bankers positioned this bench in public places, in markets, fairs, and such like, and upon which they conducted their financial affairs. They also wrote their bills of exchange, which was a written order by the drawer, who withdraws the funds, to the drawee, the banker, to pay money to the payee, who requires the funds.
Therefore, when a banker's business failed, he broke his bank, that is to say his bench. In this way, the public would be made aware of the fact that the person to whom the bank belonged was no longer able to continue his banking business.
Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a range of subjects, under the heading: Subject – How To Succeed. Bankruptcy Articles cover History, Role in Europe/US, Types, Prevention. Website has many more. View his Website at: bankruptcy-how-to-succeed.com View his Blog at: bankruptcy-how-to-succeed.blogspot.com
Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a range of subjects, under the heading: Subject – How To Succeed. Bankruptcy Articles cover History, Role in Europe/US, Types, Prevention. Website has many more. View his at: bankruptcy-how-to-succeed.com View his at: bankruptcy-how-to-succeed.blogspot.com
What is Better, Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation?

What is Better, Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation?

There are many options available to us when looking at ways to deal with our debt which can leave us confused. Credit counseling programs, debt settlement, debt consolidation loans and bankruptcy are some of the options we can take. One might want to ask the question what is better, bankruptcy or debt consolidation? I think that one needs to look at each case in its own merit to determine which of the two options offer the best solution to the problem at hand. To understand lets look at what the two options have to offer.
Debt Consolidation
Some people worry that consolidating ones unsecured debts by the use of a secured loan is risky for us and we are not getting into the root of our debt problem but only replacing one problem with another. Others maintain that debt consolidation provides a permanent solution to our debt issues.
A debt consolidation loan replaces several unsecured loans like credit card debts with one single loan so that instead of making many payments you are now able to make one lower payment towards your debts. This will help to immediately improve your credit score. However one of the considerations to qualifying for a debt consolidation loan is your ability to make the new payment regularly. So a stable source of income or employment is crucial. In most cases the lender will require you to provide some security like a car, house or a co-signor.
If you don’t qualify for a debt consolidation loan then you might have to consider bankruptcy, under Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 depending on your circumstances.
Bankruptcy is a complete discharge of some types of debts. It means walking away from your debts including your home and other assets you may have accumulated. Although a bankruptcy is severe and it stays in your credit report for up to 10 years, lately it is becoming a convenient way for people to get out of their financial problems. Individuals who are struggling to meet their debt situation are declaring bankruptcy more and more as the credit crunch continues to bite.
It is still not inclusive as there are some types of debts like student loans and child support among others which are not included in a bankruptcy. Neither of these two options offer everything to everyone. It will all depend on each individuals financial problem.
Therefore if you have to consider what is better bankruptcy or debt consolidation, we feel this is a serious decision to make which would require the consultation with a professional financial adviser to help you look at the options open to you to suit your specific need.
If you are struggling with debts and are wondering visit and read more on how to sort out your financial problem and have a peace of mind.
Information About Bankruptcy Refinancing

Information About Bankruptcy Refinancing

Bankruptcy makes a person financially unstable. In that situation he will not be able to run his life smoothly. Some times in order to paying higher rate of interestin a loan results into bankruptcy. is just as same as replacing it with entirely new mortgage. People like to go for refinancing existing loan after bankruptcy is to get a lower rate of interest and save money over existing loan. With the option of refinancing after bankruptcy it is possible that you can lower your payments and you can save your money for each month. Lenders can offer refinancing during bankruptcy because the risk involved is extremely lower as compared to the other schemes.
Before opting for you can search online for those lenders that offer refinancing during bankruptcy. You can avail the quotes of different lenders that are competing in your business. Even if you have reported for bankruptcy in the earlier days. With the facility of online searching for refinancing during bankruptcy will allow you to negotiate between different lenders online that offers refinancing during bankruptcies.
Refinancing during bankruptcies provides many benefits to you such as you can refinance your home even after or during bankruptcy, you can lower your payments with the help of refinancing after bankruptcies, you can consolidate your bills and you can fund your wards college education.
In order to you have to only fill up an online application form with some of your personal details and submit it to the lenders website. After verifying details entered by you your application will get approved in just a g few minute of time.
So it is not needed to think negatively as part from you when you are suffering from bankruptcy . Just go and apply online to avail the facility of refinancing after bankruptcy.
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IVA Debt: Good Way to Avoid Bankruptcy

IVA Debt: Good Way to Avoid Bankruptcy

There are people who live on loans unlike others who take loans but by thinking wisely. Both these types of people can suffer if they cannot repay these loans. IVA debt program was designed to help these people in 1986.
is a program which helps the borrowers who are in debt to be debt free. This is a legalized contract which is signed by the debtor and the creditors. Once this contract is signed, all the responsibility of clearing the debts becomes the duty of the insolvency professionals or the insolvency practitioners. Generally a part of the total debt is written off. The borrowers have to repay few percentage of the total debt amount. Another advantage of this program is that the rate of interest on the previous loans is frozen. So the borrowers have to pay the original rates and no extra interest is paid during this program. During this program the borrowers cannot be harassed or disturbed by the lenders as it requires court permission.
This program continues for over a period of 5 years. The borrowers have to pay monthly payments to the practitioner or the professional. Then they distribute the amount to the borrower's creditors according to the decided amount. The monthly payment generally starts from £250 or £300.
IVA debt is offered to the borrowers whose minimum debt is £15000. The minimum number of lender of the applicant should be 3 to 4. Having a bank account is necessary. The borrowers should be employed. The salary should be enough to pay the monthly payments and borrower's regular expenses. 75% of the creditors should agree with the contract. IVA debt is offered by the insolvency practitioners and insolvency professionals. But practitioners are better as they work alone. Choosing an experienced practitioner is suggested.
Precious Almas is a senior author in loans where visitors can get useful information and apply for any type of loans online. For further information about IVA debt solution, , debt management IVA, IVA debt free, IVA debt help, IVA debt advice visit
Where You Can Turn For Bankruptcy Advice

Where You Can Turn For Bankruptcy Advice

At some point in your life, you may need bankruptcy advice. Although it is not something you may not like to consider, there are times in life when bills become more than you can handle and you have no other alternative but to file bankruptcy. Therefore, if you are in the midst of making the decision whether or not to file bankruptcy, it is important that you have a full understanding of the different types of bankruptcy, as well as what can and cannot be included in the bankruptcy case.
If you have lost your job, whatever the reason may be, it may be very difficult, even impossible to pay your monthly payments. If this is the case, then you may want to consider bankruptcy advice on Chapter 7. With Chapter 7, you are able to eliminate a majority of your debt and start fresh. This will give you the opportunity to get back on your feet, once you have found another job.
Although Chapter 7 allows you to start fresh, with no debt, there are some consequences that you should be aware of. When filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must compile a list of all your non-exempt assets. After your bankruptcy has been approved through the courts, you will then be required to sell off your non-exempt assets. The money that is received from the sale will then go to pay off your creditors.
You need to be aware that there are certain types of debt that cannot be discharged via any form or chapter of bankruptcy. Debts that fall into this category would include things like tax liens and federal student loans. If a large percentage of your debts fall into these categories, you need to realize that bankruptcy will not wipe those out and you will still have those debts when you finish filing.
If you are still able to make some of your monthly payments, but are struggling to make all of your payments, then you may want to consider bankruptcy advice on Chapter 13. With Chapter 13, you will need to work with your lawyer and the courts in order to come up with a repayment plan. Chapter 13 allows you to keep your assets. A repayment plan will be drawn up, in which you will continue to pay off your loans, but with little or no interest. As well, some creditors may accept a portion of the money you owe, as payment in full.
Before making the decision to file bankruptcy, you will want to make sure you check out all of your other options first. Bankruptcy will dramatically hurt your credit rating since it will be a huge red flag on your credit report for the next seven to ten years. So if at all possible, consider other options such as debt consolidation. However, if bankruptcy is your only option, then you will want to find a reputable bankruptcy lawyer to handle your case. Make sure you choose a local lawyer, since he or she will be well versed in the bankruptcy laws, as they apply to your county and state.
There are times when bankruptcy is the only option to eliminate your debt. Therefore, when looking for bankruptcy advice, make sure you do your homework. A qualified and reputable bankruptcy lawyer can work closely with you, to decide what chapter of bankruptcy will work best for you and your personal situation. Most people who have filed in the past have indicated they would use an attorney if they had to do it over again, since with the attorney’s help and guidance, they saved much more than they had to pay out in attorney’s fees. For more insights and additional information about where to turn for as well as getting a free bankruptcy evaluation from a qualified bankruptcy lawyer in your area, please visit our web site at http://www.bankruptcy-data.com
The Ultimate Guide to Dinners

The Ultimate Guide to Dinners

Tips on Eating Healthy
It is a known fact that most advocates of eating healthy are against foods that are a favourite for many people. On the bright side it is still possible to have one’s favourite meals and eat healthy by cooking them right and using the right equipment. An example is where non-stick cooking pans can be used to reduce the amount of cooking oil needed to prepare meals or microwaving vegetables instead of boiling them to retain as many nutrients as possible.
One of the tips of eating healthy is keeping fats to a minimum by choosing lean meats and reduced-fat dairy products. Limiting the amount of processed fat is also a way of cutting down on the hidden fat in these commodities. There are other healthy alternatives such as going for other foods that contain healthy fat such as nuts, seeds, fish, olives, soy and avocado. The fats in these foods also come with other nutrients, so it is a healthy option. If it is absolutely necessary that one adds fat when cooking the best thing to do would be to use monounsaturated fats like olive and canola oil.
Getting To The Point – Foods
It is of vital importance to state that cooking begins with the ingredients. Taking that into consideration it is important to shop for healthy food stuffs such as when shopping for low-fat food a person should choose the reduced or low-fat versions of foods like cheese, milk, yoghurt, gravies and even salad dressings. The other important thing is that when selecting meat a person should go for lean meat cuts and skinless chicken and fast foods, such as chips, processed meats, pastries, crisps and pies, should be consumed on a minimum because they contain a lot of fat.
The 10 Rules of Meals And How Learn More
The other important thing to consider is low-fat cooking. It is a known fact that when using oil, it is best to apply a small amount of oil with a pastry brush. Another option is that a person can opt to cook using fluids like stock, wine, fruit juice, lemon juice, water, or even vinegar instead of using oil. It is worth acknowledging that when it comes to choosing a cream for use in sauces and soups, it is better to use low-fat yoghurt, cornstarch, evaporated skim milk, or low-fat milk. The bottom line is that healthy eating is about conserving as many nutrients in the food as possible. It is true that water-soluble vitamins are easily denatured during cooking thus need to be cooked well. To retain as many nutrients as possible, a person can scrub vegetables instead of peeling them. It is important to highlight that steaming vegetables instead of boiling them also helps to preserve nutrients. Stir-frying vegetables also help retain most nutrients since the vegetables cook faster and maintain their crunch. It is very important to recognize the fact that by following these steps, the person eating will eat more healthy and tasty food.
Questions About Products You Must Know the Answers To

Questions About Products You Must Know the Answers To

A Quick Guide to Crystal Oscillators
The quartz crystal device industry is booming. Crystals are used in so many gadgets and even telecommunications equipment.
Crystals in the telecommunications industry was used as early as 1939 by the U.S. Army. The use of crystals led to the development of radio communication. Because of the global events at that time, the radio communication industry grew so much at that time. Because of the high demand, there were shortages in quartz which greatly affected the growth of the industry.
Compared to its early stages, oscillator packages are smaller now but more effective. The manufacturing process of oscillator packages hasn’t changed much in the past decades. Crystals undergo a meticulous process in order to produce new frequencies.
Why No One Talks About Oscillators Anymore
In the 1990′s, there were some developments in the manufacturing process of programmable oscillators but it was never followed through. There wasn’t a significant change caused by these developments.
A Simple Plan: Oscillators
In order to create a new frequency, a new crystal is needed for each frequency created.
Because of this, there are many crystal frequencies used in the market today. The varying needs of cutting quartz causes many different changes in temperature and frequency stabilities. There is a need to cut the crystal with varying levels of thickness and varying angles for each frequency created.
The amount of crystals needed in a crystal oscillator factory is staggering. The norm for crystal oscillator factories is to follow a build-to-order process.
Because of the diversity of products, it is good that the quartz industry can keep up with the demand.
To maximize time, there are now hybrid oscillators being used. Manufacturers produce “raw” devices and program them based on the specifications given by clients. The tedious process requires a few weeks lead time to produce quality devices. Better technology has shortened these lead times.
Temperature stability is the variation of the oscillator frequency in relation to the temperature. A device’s temperature sensor typically adjusts itself to corresponding temperature changes.
Changes in frequency happen over long periods of use. Frequency stability is required to account for this effect called aging.
A very reliable packaging for the crystal is needed for quartz oscillators. This packaging is needed to prevent leaks from damaging the oscillator which impede it from functioning properly. Some seals that prevent leaks from happening are made out of ceramics or metal.
Shock and vibration can also lead to the deterioration of oscillators. Certain designs are needed to prevent shock and vibration from happening.
A good oscillator will also include a buffer that will help it transmit frequencies across a large range.
Taking care to know the details about crystal oscillators is favorable in knowing which oscillators are good to use.
The 10 Best Resources For Cards

The 10 Best Resources For Cards

Learn How Credit Card Processing Has Changed The Game Of Doing Business
There are people who have called today’s business transactions as the credit card age or the era of plastic, since cards are being used to pay for purchased goods. The current trend nowadays is that businesses are urged to spend and invest for credit card processing because their customers, clients and consumers are changing their spending habits from cash payments to credit card payments.
How can a business grow in terms of sales with the use of credit card processing?
The answer is yes, they have relationships. Reports from credit card companies have shown that businesses are now accepting credit cards and thereby, increasing sales compared before. Consumer card usage can overtake the use of cash and other checks, especially when shopping online. The reason why consumers are looking for fast and reliable payments is because these credit cards have provided them options to.
How can you go about credit card processing?
When making transactions with credit cards, businesses process the payment of the customers with the information over a credit card terminal, which then goes onto the transaction with the customer’s credit card account of the bank that provided that credit card. After the communication between the machine of the credit card and the bank that issued the credit card to the customer is done, then there will be printed a document that stands for the authorization of the payment and the official receipt. This officially marks the completion of the sale.
After these sales have been completed, there is a need for the business to be able to process the payments and collect the charges from the credit card transactions. Each transaction will have to be processed back to the bank of the customer which makes the payment since credit was used. The amount will be charged into your bank account for payment to the bank.
The next steps involve transferring the credits from the merchant account of the service company and processing these according to the amount, excluding the costs of the transaction. These account for transaction fees over to the medium and the bank that issued the system. Should there be no problems that will be encountered, it has been said that it takes two to three business days before these processes are done before the credits are transferred to the bank account of the merchant.
How credit card processing can help
These credit processing vendors or third party vendors have been in charge of facilitating the smooth processing of these payments including steps that range from reporting sending, authorization and the billing.
When processing payments, business should have these processing vendors or third party vendors as advised to keep the efficiency of their payment methods.
Source: http://www.ebuzznet.com/must-read-ways-keep-customers-coming-back/
Case Study: My Experience With Quotes

Case Study: My Experience With Quotes

Why People Are Reading Inspirational Stories
You might be wondering on why people read inspirational books. Well, many of us have their own problems, may it be big or small, we will always find ways on how to deal with it. There are those who have experienced much burden and pain in their lives and feel that they’ll never be able to get out of it. Still, you will see them doing whatever they can to get over with it and eventually end up succeeding or losing.
Many of us if have problems like to talk to someone so they could give us some useful advise or help us. To some people, they can get help by just reading inspirational stories. These books contain life experiences of real people who have gone through a lot of challenges and hardships in their lives and like to share how they have conquered their fears, problems and sickness. And by reading this kind of story, we can relate with them and be inspired as well to do the same thing.
And even though we do not have serious illness or big problem to be dealt with, we can still learn so many things from these stories. There are also inspirational books that are talking about people who’ve excelled in the profession that they’ve chosen and now, living a good life. We’re striving to be like them because these kinds of stories are giving us assurance that if they’re able to succeed, then why can’t we. There are instances that some people are waiting for assurance and evidence first before they start on believe that the impossible is possible.
The 10 Most Unanswered Questions about Resources
In addition to that, there are inspirational books as well that is talking about people who were stricken by a serious illness who’ve battled it for years and were able to live to share their story. These types of stories are giving strength to those who are suffering from the same illness. They get encouragement to try and live a happy life despite the fact that they spend their days in hospital beds.
How I Achieved Maximum Success with Inspirations
With these inspirational books, we learn some great lessons and show us that for every struggle, there is hope and in each problem, there is a solution. We are all connected to each other and while it is not by blood, it is through the stories we have. In sharing stories to people across the globe, inspirational stories and books are one excellent way to do this. These types of books make a perfect gift to people of all walks of life and age. So, if you want to change someone’s view in life, give encourage or make a positive change, this will work perfectly for it.
News For This Month: Systems

News For This Month: Systems

GPS – Benefits You Can Get by Installing One in Your Car
Having a GPS is considered to be one of the most practical things in all kind of professions or hobbies as well as many other things. One of the best things about having GPS is that you won’t be wasting any time navigating especially when you are a traveler. If you take a look at the newer model of cars, they have build-in GPS and this is one of the biggest reasons why. Cars can easily be lost when the parking lot is too big and having a GPS will allow you to be able to find it easier in addition to making your navigation more convenient. Another great thing about this is that you will also be able to save money from your car insurance.
The way GPS works is that it directs you to the roads you would need to take in order to reach the place you want to go to. If you are traveling to places for the first time, this will help guide you to reach your destination on a timely manner. With this, you won’t have to worry about getting lost. Course personalization is also another feature of GPS that will help you ensure a very enjoyable experience when it comes to your travels.
GPS can also offer protection as another benefit. If someone ever steals your car, the police can bring it back to you immediately because they cans simply track it through the GPS system. With the GPS tracking system, it won’t even take five minutes for the police to find the exact location where your car was taken. Thanks to the GPS, a lot of people actually get their car back before it can be chopped up for parts.
Why No One Talks About Satellites Anymore
When it comes to saving money from your insurance, all you have to do is to have some GPS installed in your car. Given the fact that some unfortunate events can be reduced with a GPS, insurance companies recognize it and therefore lessen the amount of money you usually pay.
Why No One Talks About Satellites Anymore
All the benefits of installing a GPS in your car will make your very happy in the long term basis. When you start getting the benefits, the little amount of money you spent on the GPS installation will make it more sweeter.
If your car doesn’t have GPS yet, all you have to do is to find an electronic store near you and you will be able to find some. If you are willing to pay a little extra, you can have them install it for you.
Taking advantage of these benefits will prove to be great for you down the road. If you still don’t have the GPS, go and get it now.
Six foods to protect the breast does not hurt

Six foods to protect the breast does not hurt

Soybeans. Soy products contain isoflavones, which can lower estrogen levels in women, reduce the breast discomfort.
Fungus. Foods such as white fungus, black fungus, mushrooms, natural biological response modifier, can enhance the immune system, there is a strong preventive role.
Kelp. Contains large amounts of iodine, can regulate our hormones, reduce the risk of women with hyperplasia of mammary glands, and even has the role of adjuvant therapy.
Nuts, seeds and food. Containing lecithin, soy beans, peanuts, etc. They are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin e, both cancer and the breast tissue is more elastic.
Fish and seafood. Rich in essential trace elements, enhance physical fitness, breast protection role.
Milk and dairy products. Rich in protein and calcium, can prevent inflammation of the breast
Four types of food can prolong life

Four types of food can prolong life

Rough foods
Some people prefer fine rice and flour products, don’t like brown rice and steamed corn bread, because they eat “firm voice.” In fact, “firm voice” is a valuable dietary fibre, it can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, help bowel movements, and change the type and number of intestinal microorganisms, reduce carcinogens. Dietary fiber is widely found in rough-tasting foods, including whole grains of rice, wheat and beans, such as brown rice, oats, red beans, and so on. To prevent constipation and bowel cancer, should ensure 20-30 grams of dietary fiber per day. Recommendation to abandon the traditional white rice porridge for breakfast, drinking porridge of coarse cereals, refined white rice instead of whole wheat bread.
Astringent foods
The presence of tannins and phytic acid and oxalic acid will make food itching it because they’ll mouth saliva protein binding and precipitation, the saliva loses lubricity and tongue epithelial tissue shrinkage and astringency. But these substances have strong antioxidant properties, good for preventing diabetes and high cholesterol. Such as olives, grapes, apples, walnuts, which has a strong antioxidant effect than flesh. Suggest Apple and grape are best eaten with the skin, do not eat walnuts Brown layer of skin.
Acid foods
Compare with oranges, watermelons, bananas, love to eat crab, Hawthorn and other sour fruits of relatively few people. In fact, this kind of sour fruit comes mainly from the citric acid, Malic acid and other organic acids, these natural acids promote the absorption of iron and other minerals. If feeling sour food tastes bad, you can put it into a fruit soup, add a small amount of sugar, frozen into the refrigerator, will be greatly improved.
A bitter taste food
Natural bitter compounds in food also has some health effects, such as lemons and grapefruit, naringin, the tea polyphenols in tea, red wine polyphenols, as well as the polyphenols in chocolate, is a component will help prevent cancer and heart disease. Bitter quinine, and also improves the immune system, helps to control blood sugar. So, must match the fruit to eat, not eat sweet, also due to some bitter, sour. Eating grapefruit skin, don’t throw it away, can cut back to make honey citron tea. Bitter gourd, which Blanch with hot water, chilled eaten dipped in honey.
Eat more salt really President: freckles

Eat more salt really President: freckles

Recently, the friends mentioned in the article of the harm of salt, salt and more time, due to the effects of osmotic pressure, drain the body of water will increase skin against water, which can reshape, is likely to lead to the cheeks grow Freckle.
This is very funny! If you have to say the so-called “principles”, must have left the people when pickled pickles, salted after cooking dried yellow in life take over. But, human is complex and precision of dynamic organisms, as long as this people no terminally ill, regardless of is cell, also is cell within of enzyme class,, will in a stable of environment, has stable of penetration pressure, enough to buffer foreign of various stimulus, or human on impossible reproduction has, in other words, human of humoral, constitute has a is big of buffer Department, for of is should various penetration pressure and acid alkali stimulus on body of change.
Like eat salt more has, you will think thirsty, will instinct to more water, is to makes body of penetration pressure keep normal, body is impossible wait with penetration pressure constantly increased and makes trouble produced of, unless he has not has has adjustment capacity, if really of to has that when, also natural not long freckles of problem, certainly has into to has water liquid metabolism imbalance of ill State.
Freckles, is a yellow-brown pigment spots, more common in young and middle-aged women. A long time ago, doctors noticed the familial aggregation tendency to freckle, or rather, depends to a large extent, genetic, which means parents have freckles, children have freckles will greatly increase the probability. Currently believe that Freckle is caused by abnormal basal layer epidermal melanocytes, also affected by genetic, associated with the Sun, in order to prevent freckles or other spots that appear on the face, effective way is sunscreen, and salt, and eat soy have no relation, although salt harm not only high blood pressure, but really has nothing to do with freckles.
This egg is Bunao pills

This egg is Bunao pills

In the eyes of Chinese medicine, quail eggs and quail, as has always been the treasures in the food, and have high medicinal value, as the Emperor in ancient times to eat, it is name of precious food court. It’s adjustable for irregular menstruation of women make up, beauty, skin beauty effect, antenatal, maternal postpartum anemia has a high nourishing effect. Thus it is known as the panacea for longevity.
In addition, the United Kingdom, a study found that quail eggs is a natural mental “Bunao pills.” “To eat birds, pigeons quails”, especially the quail eggs, have “share in the eggs,” said. First of all, quail eggs containing lecithin and cephalin, 3-4 times higher than eggs, are essential nutrients of higher nervous activity, brain, brain effect is remarkable. Second, vitamin d-rich quail eggs. United Kingdom University of Manchester study found that of the more than more than 3,000 men, people with higher levels of vitamin d, memory and information processing ability is much better.
Meanwhile, quail egg nutrient molecules smaller than eggs easier to absorb and utilize. Compared to eggs, quail eggs cholesterol levels even lower. General cholesterol per 100 grams of quail eggs in about 515 mg, eggs for 585 milligrams. Think more people, can eat 5-6 quail eggs in a day, preferably with steamed or boiled, best of nutrition absorption.
How to Map Out Your Product from Inception to Completion

How to Map Out Your Product from Inception to Completion

You've got an idea for an amazing product – whether it's text, audio, or video based, or a combination of all three. Now, your task is to make sure that you actually finish the project and get it out into the world. Because here's the thing: your creations can't change the world if they aren't out in it.
How many wonderful ideas, do you think, never make it to completion, and are instead hanging out on someone's hard drive? Too many for my taste. But it's understandable. Undertaking any large project can be intimidating, and it's even harder when you're invested in the end result.
Where do you start? How do you keep on top of it? All too often, it's easier to just throw your hands up and turn your back on your ideas.
Let's Start At the Very…End?
Seems like a weird place to start, but hear me out. Once you know where you're going, you can figure out how to get there. Take your product idea, and write down a detailed description of what you envision the end result being. (If your idea is still rather nebulous, check out these two posts for ways to get it more concrete.)
Once you have a clear picture of where you're going, you need to define "finished" for this product. There's two reasons that you need to decide what constitutes done for this project before you start:

To avoid "thrashing". This is what Seth Godin calls it when we get to the end of a project, freak out about actually shipping the project, and then proceed to add things to it, or take things away, or generally keep messing with it so that we don't have to put it out in front of the world. Understandable, but not very productive.
To keep "done" from being a moving target. If you don't have a concrete end point to head towards, it's easy to keep moving the finish line as you have new ideas throughout the project, and tempting, too. However, this is likely to lead to burnout and a lack of satisfaction. When you move the finish line a little further away, it makes it harder to build momentum and make significant progress on your product. You don't feel like you're getting anywhere, so scrapping the project seems like a better and better option. To help avoid getting sidetracked by shiny new ideas, make sure that you write your ideas down and store them somewhere safe (I like Springpad, myself). You can come back to them later and use them in a future iteration of this product, or in a different product entirely, but avoid getting sidetracked by them in the meantime.

Last but not least, you need to pick a deadline. Try to be realistic – you don't want to pick a deadline that's too soon, and not reach it, but you don't want to pick a deadline that's far off beyond the horizon and risk losing momentum. If you're feeling particularly audacious and you're working on a smaller product, you might try creating it in a weekend, even!
Whatever you do, when you pick your deadline, be sure to take your current and future workload into consideration. Unless you're working for a very short amount of time, you don't want to pile on a lot of extra work and get burned out before you even complete the product.
Do the Work
Now comes everyone's favorite part (right?!): actually doing the work to make your idea a reality. Once you start working on your product, the best way to make sure you finish it is to keep working. I've already mentioned momentum several times, and that's because it's so important when you're working on a project of any size – you need to be able to feel like you're moving forward with it, and see the work you've completed so far.
You might want to create a specific work schedule for your product – there's several different ways you can do that. You can pick a specific time of day to work on it, a specific day of the week, or some combination of the two. You'll want to take a few factors into consideration:

Your best and most productive, creative times of day. We all have times that we're at our best, and at our worst. Me, for example, I can get plenty done between 9 AM and 1:30 PM, but come 2:30 PM, I'm not good for anything except a nap. I can work during my "off" hours, but it's like squeezing blood from a stone – not very productive and slightly painful.
Your current task load and how this product fits in with that. How flexible is your schedule? Can you rearrange some of your other projects to make sure that you're getting in some peak work time on this product? How many hours a week are you going to be able to work on this, and how many hours a week are you working on other things? Again, make sure you're not overloading yourself.
Breaks! Make sure to schedule in breaks. In general, we can only focus on one thing for 45-90 minutes, after which our productivity actually goes down. Breaks can be anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on how long of an interval you worked for. It also helps to get moving when you take a break – do some jumping jacks or hula hooping. If you really want to make sure you get up and move every now and then, take an item that's essential to the project, and set it on the other side of the room or in a different room entirely. And don't forget to refill your water glass when you take a break!

There's two other tools you can use to increase the likelihood of finishing the product: accountability and rewards.
Accountability is basically when someone is holding you responsible for your actions. One of the most popular ways to create accountability for yourself is to either have an accountability partner or join a group, and check in on a regular basis (once a week is about perfect) with what you did in the last week to further your product, and what you're going to do in the next week. It sounds fairly simple, but the knowledge that if you don't finish as much as you wanted to, you'll have to check in and say so, is a powerful motivator for actually getting things done.
And then there's super-public accountability – announcing the launch date of your product before you even start on it, for example. Depending on your personality, this might work fabulously or it might just make you really nauseous and give you urges to hide in a corner.
Rewards are…fairly self explanatory. It is worth noting that the best motivation for creative projects is intrinsic, not extrinsic. Example: people are likely to do better work when they're motivated by pride in their work than by money. And knowing your intrinsic reason for creating this product, your "reason why", is incredibly important both to maintain motivation and when marketing your product further on down the line.
But, that being said, sometimes the motivation of an awesome chocolate bar is enough to get you to write those last 200 words when nothing else seems like it can. (Replace "chocolate bar" with "bike ride" or "ice cream" or "snuggly kitty time" or whatever floats your boat.) Used sparingly, rewarding yourself can give you that extra oomph you need sometimes. And of course, you deserve a reward at the end of this process – you did a lot of work!
Avoid Overwhelm by Zooming In
You've started on your product. You're toodling along, feeling great. And then you get hit by the overwhelm truck. You don't know what to do, and everything just looks so big and difficult and ahh.
Overwhelm can be caused by general life stuff, totally outside of the product that you're working on. You might need to readjust your workload for this product, or for some of your other projects. You might need to make sure you're getting plenty of recharging time, and taking good care of yourself. But, if you're good in all of these areas and you're still overwhelmed, I know what your problem is. You're not zoomed in enough.
Overwhelm happens when we're too focused on the big picture. When you're looking at the zoomed out version of things, seeing the sweeping actions that will happen and the end result of those actions, you can't see the tiny steps that will get you there. This can really freak you out.
Here's what I do to prevent overwhelm and stay nice and zoomed in:

At the start, create a list of milestones. Milestones are markers of significant progress – for example, if you're working on an ebook and you have a word count goal, a big milestone would be reaching half of your word count. Depending on the length and depth of this product, or how much work you can devote to it at this time, there might be more or less milestones. Three milestones is a good starter number to have, so that you'll have markers for about a quarter done, halfway done, and three quarters done.
Once you have the list of milestones, put it somewhere safe. Type it up and save it in Evernote or Springpad, or keep a copy in your product notebook. Just make sure that you won't lose it.
And then, ignore it. Or not necessarily ignore it, but don't focus on it exclusively. Once you have a map of the bigger steps that you need to take to complete the project, you need to focus on the smaller ones – what you're doing right now and what you're going to do next. That's it. You don't need to worry about what you'll do six steps down the road, or towards the end of the project, or whatever. You'll tackle those steps when you reach them, and wasting mental energy on them right now isn't helping you or your product. Focus exclusively on right now and next. You know that thing about how anxiety comes from living in the future? Well, overwhelm comes from living in the future of your product.

Ta da – you're zoomed in. When you reach one milestone and need to come up with your next set of tiny steps, you'll just look at the next milestone and figure out what to do to get there. This creates a step-by-step map for completing your product that you tackle one portion at a time, and if you need to zoom out again and check on your overall progress, you can just look at your list of milestones.
And now…
Now, you've got the tools you need to follow through on your next product idea. Now, you know how to avoid thrashing and a moving finish line, maintain momentum on your project, get your work done, and keep from getting overwhelmed. The only question left is – what are you going to do with this information & these tools? I'm hoping the answer is create something amazing, because we're all rooting for you. But in reality, it's your choice. Just know that it's entirely possible, and that you can do this.

Michelle Nickolaisen helps creatives get their best work done & out there with more ease and less frustration at Let's Radiate.
How to Choose the Right Format for Your E-Book

How to Choose the Right Format for Your E-Book

Over the past month, I've had the pleasure of working with Dave Ursillo to prepare his new book, Lead Without Followers, for launch.  We fine tuned four separate versions of his book — Kindle, e-pub, print and PDF — so that on launch day, he could have the widest reach possible.
While working with each format independently was familiar, working with them all simultaneously was new — and got me thinking hard about who would be using each format.  Some people will go straight for the printed book, while others would rather load it onto their Kindle.  Each format has different rules for creating a great experience, and each format reaches to a different group of people.
The question is, how do you create those experiences and when should you create them?
Different Formats for Different Folk
Your content has been finished, now how do you share that content with the world?  Like blogging blogging and social media, it's important to meet your audience where they already are.  You want to make sure that when you put your e-book out into the world in any format, that there are going to be readers who are ready to read it (and buy it!).
PDF E-Book
PDF E-Books are the standard for bloggers.  There is a simple elegance to the PDF e-book format.  PDF reading software is practically universal and audiences are familiar with it.  The element of PDF E-Books that shine when compared to other formats is the designability.  The canvas is ripe for striking visual designs that pump up the volume of your reader's experience.
When to use: This is the blogger's standard for a reason.  PDF E-Books are popular because they look great, are easy to use and people are comfortable with them.  As a default, these are a great choice.
Primary Focus: PDF E-Books deserve great design.  Nail your content and nail your design.  A premium user experience will set a PDF e-book head and shoulders above the competition.
The three e-reader big gun's (in descending order) are Amazon's Kindle, B&N's Nook and Apple's iBookstore.  Amazon has their own proprietary .mobi format, while the other two use .epub files.  E-readers are quickly becoming the future of how we read books.
E-readers win in one very big way: portability.  You can house thousands of e-books on a single device and you can also read the same book across your phone, your computer and your tablet.
When to Use: Take your writing to the e-reader platforms when your audience asks for it and/or you're looking to reach out to a wider audience.  Tapping the Amazon market is a great way to expand readership, but it doesn't happen for free.  When you expand beyond the walls of your blog, you need to market beyond what you've been doing in order to achieve digital publishing success.
Primary Focus: E-reader formats need to be flexible because they will be read on a variety of devices.  Strive to for simple, well-structured documents that plays well with any e-reader.  Go light on pictures, as they can interrupt the flow of your e-book in unexpected ways.
Nothing will make  you feel more like a "real author" than feeling the soft thud of a physically bound copy of your book land in your lap. Print books are a different experience than digital formats.  It's in the same space you.  It has presence and weight.
Reader's are familiar with printed books (though will that be true in a few decades?).  They naturally know what to expect and how to use it.
When to Use: Authors love to say during speeches that their books make killer business cards, and it's true.  Saying that you're the author of a published book looks great.  It's a credibility boost to have your book on a shelf.
Print books do well in local markets and niche environments.  If you're teaching a class in person or your topic has a local interest, definitely consider preparing your book for print.  If your niche is techno-lite, having this as an option will make your readers more comfortable enjoying your content.
Primary Focus: Like their fixed page layout cousins the PDF e-book, print books deserve special attention to user experience.  Fonts are important.  Crafting a page that breathes and reads well should be your top priority.  If your book is going to raise your profile as a professional, make sure that your book looks professional, from from the front cover all the way to the last page.
Work With the Technology
As an author, your job is to make sure your content is tight, elegant and delivers a powerful statement.  As the head honcho of publishing at By Bloggers, it's my job to help you deliver content in a way that is sharp, consistent and looks professional.
While choosing to put your e-book in multiple formats, one of the most important aspects to realize is that your written words will look similar, but different, on every platform.  Why is that?
When you publish your work to a PDF or a printed format, you're looking at a layout that is fixed.  Those words are on specific pages and they won't be moving any time soon.
With e-reader formats, you're looking at something completely different.  E-Books are like tiny websites for e-readers: they're concerned with document flow instead of pages.  They have to be flexible in order to work on every device your reader may use.  A cell phone is a different reading experience than a tablet, but e-books have to be able to work on both.
Wherever your book is going, you want to make sure that it looks great.  In order to make that happen, you need to individually craft your presentation for every destination.  A fixed page design will require a different approach than a flexible document design.
Work with the technology to create the best experience.  Forcing a fixed page experience onto a flexible document doesn't work (believe me, I've tried). Adapt your design to the platform, and create the type of experience that a reader on that device will expect.
Where is Your Content Going?
After spending the last few months working with authors to take their content to new platforms, I want to know more about you and where your content is going.  Are you interested in learning more about best practices for getting your e-book onto these new platforms?  What questions do you have about the process of preparing your e-book for these different formats and platforms?
It's exciting to see the new ways that bloggers and authors can reach out and connect with audience members.  How are you going to do it?  Leave a comment and share your plans!
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Top CPA Alliance

From Zero to Ebook: My Story of Failure and Success

From Zero to Ebook: My Story of Failure and Success

In 2016 I wrote my first ebook with the help of a coach.
I thought it was going to catapult me to a white beach in the Caribbean with a banana smoothie in my hand.
Unfortunately, that did not happen.
I now see how foolish my expectations were.
The ebook ended up failing gloriously. It's embarrassing how many mistakes I made.
It would take me several years before I had the guts to approach creating my own products again.
I was jaded and I blamed everything around me. I thought ebooks were dead, but the problem weren't ebooks, the problem was me.
Ebooks = Dead?
I spent 2008 and 2009 hating ebooks (and creating my own products) because to be honest, they scared me.
I had tried once, and I had been defeated. I didn't want to do it again, because I didn't know how, or where to even start.
So I didn't.
It didn't help that having actual customers scared me. I was more than happy to hide behind-the-scenes as an affiliate marketer.
I tried tojustify my decision by thinking that ebooks were dead, or that there was so much crap out there that I didn't want to add to it.
But I realized that the fact that there was a lot of bad ebooks out there was the exact reason why I should jump in.
I care about the products I create. And if all the people that care don't contribute because there's too much crap out there, where will that leave us?
I launched this blog in late 2009, but it wasn't until around March 2010 that I launched my first successful ebook.
I had seen others write and sell ebooks successfully, so I thought "If they can do it, I can."
I was finally ready to conquer my fears.
My First Successful Ebook
My first successful ebook was about how to use article marketing to get more traffic, subscribers and sales.
It was called, Article Marketing Traffic Booster.
It's no longer available as a stand-alone product, but it is available as a bonus for certain products I offer, because it's still very relevant and effective to this day.
So, how did I succeed? I listened to my audience.
I wrote articles about my strategies, and people were interested, especially on the topic of how I was using article marketing.
I then looked at the competition. There were plenty of books on article marketing and traffic building, so I dived in and wrote an ebook on the topic with a few bonuses.
I ended up selling 4-figures of the book within just a few days to a small email list of just 700 subscribers.
Just goes to show you how important (and powerful) having a responsive email list is.
I was surprised and encouraged.
So, a few months later I wrote my second book, Passionate Living.
My Second Ebook
I repeated the process.
I listened to my readers, but this time I also surveyed them and asked what their biggest fears and frustrations were.
I then compiled all the answers and took the main problem areas and created Passionate Living.
This time around I knew more about what the ebook creation process looked like, so I got Passionate Living done in less than 14 days.
And the work I put in during those 14 days has kept rewarding me ever since. I started by just selling an ebook at $9.95, and it has since then evolved into a full-blown course sold at $37.
It has brought in thousands and sold hundreds of copies. All this despite the lack of promotion for it.
I have it in my sidebar and in my store, but not much more than that, which has been a mistake, but what can I say. I keep learning and taking action.
But even with two successful ebooks, I ran into a big problem.
Perfectionism, Procrastination and Self-Sabotage
I failed to keep doing what worked.
It sounds so ridiculous looking back, but it happens often.
What I would've done differently if I had to do it all over would be to keep creating products that helped my audience.
But I didn't.
Instead I wrote blog posts, hung out on social media, and took the easy way out. I hid from my fears instead of facing them head on.
My readers and customers were asking me questions and practically telling me what they wanted, such as how to find a niche and how to write articles people love.
But I didn't do anything. I don't know why.
At one point I became depressed, because I wasn't seeing the results I wanted, which is funny, because I wasn't doing the right things, yet I was expecting results.
I'm still surprised at how easy it is to do nothing, then blame all of it on something else and give all your power away.
Running Into Temptation
All of this frustration led me to go back to what I knew: affiliate marketing and advertising.
I started creating niche sites again, but something was off. It wasn't what I truly wanted to do.
It bored me.
I thought I could keep pushing, make a living, and then do what I wanted on the side, but I just couldn't take it.
What I really wanted to do was to help people use technology and the web to do work they loved, so they could live the life they wanted.
I kept getting ideas and inspiration in this direction, but for a long time I ignored it.
I wanted to create products that were simple and produced real, actionable results, which many products out there failed to do.
I felt deep down that I had something to share. And if you're reading this, I'll bet that you do, too, but something is stopping you.
What was stopping me was fear. Fear of not being good enough. I didn't think I had anything to contribute.
Luckily, after a while I had enough, so I came back to what I do today. I gave up on building meaningless niche websites, and I decided to take things to the next level.
I was once again ready to move on.
Taking Things to the Next Level
I started thinking about how I could add even more value to the ebooks I created.
How could I help my customers get even better results with even less work? Was it even possible?
I started working with Chris Garrett, and we started brainstorming. It led to me creating a line of online workshops to help people build an online business around their passion.
In the last six months, I've created 3 online workshops, which is just using ebooks and bundling them with audio, workbooks and so on.
And there's more coming, namely one in August on how to write and sell an ebook in 31 days or less. It's specifically designed for people who don't think they are an expert or are afraid they can't write well enough to sell an ebook.
It's easy for me to sulk and complain, to look at others and wonder why they are so successful. But if I want real results, I have to put in real work.
Now I focus on taking action instead of analyzing too much, because it's not so much about getting the perfect product out there.
Instead my mission is to help people as fast as possible, then listen to their feedback and improve what I do.
So this is not about coming up with the perfect idea. It's about starting and taking things one step at a time.
All of this has brought me to the realization that if I don't enjoy the journey, it's not worth doing.
I've gotten pretty good at writing ebooks. I can do it fast, and I can keep things tight. And above all, I get things done.
If I'm not doing work I love, then why am I doing it? Just to have money in the bank? Or to maybe someday retire?
I've become increasingly sensitive to following my passion. And even though that sounds cliché, it's true.
I'm doing what I love, which is to help you.
This doesn't mean everything is smooth. I still have to face my fears. I have to work hard, but in the end, I love every second of it.
One of my bigger a-ha moments was that this is not about making as much money as possible. Having a lifestyle business is about having ENOUGH money to live the life you want.
It's about eliminating the unnecessary and focusing on what you truly enjoy doing.
The Bottom Line
I've gone through a lot.
I've faced internal demons, but I've kept going.
For me, it always comes down to ruthlessly taking action.
It doesn't matter how I feel or what I do. If I'm not getting the results I want, I have to change my approach and focus on what works.
I have to leave my ego at the door and look at things objectively.
And if I want to speed things up and avoid mistakes, I'm going to work with a coach or join a training course that will help me do that.
Creating the life you want is not easy, but it is possible.
Just five years ago I was miserable, and now I love what I do.
An Unlikely New Mortgage Market

An Unlikely New Mortgage Market

Much has been written about the sub prime mortgage crisis in the US and even more has been said. Most analysts placed the blame for the implosion in the credit market on the adverse credit mortgage. This is a type of home loan that is issued to a borrower with a less than impressive credit history and financial resume. However there is another factor which may have been overlooked. This same factor may be about to spur a mortgage bonanza in the least likely of places – Africa.
In addition to issues billions of pounds of mortgages to people who had little chance of repaying them, the increased liquidity in the financial markets is mostly to blame for the current sub prime crisis. Banks and other financial institutions were simply too cashed up in the late 1990s and early 2000s and lowered their lending standards accordingly. Lenders had so much money they were almost forced to dream up new products to market to home owners and first time buyers in a marketplace that was already at full capacity.
This is why lenders eventually got to a stage in which they began to approve adverse credit mortgage products to just about anybody who applied. They weren't the only product available at the time and although they may have been the trigger for the collapse in the financial markets they were not the only contributor.
This excessive liquidity is currently being experienced by several of the biggest banks in sub-Saharan Africa. While this market is tiny in comparison to Europe and the USA some of the factors which were prevalent in those markets ten years ago are emerging in several African nations today. This is opening up the prospect that Africa may be about to experience a small boom in their mortgage market.
Unlike the European and US markets, however, the African home loan market is far from overcrowded. A minority of the population have a bank account or use any type of banking facility at all let alone have a mortgage. The home loan market is exclusive and usually only available to the elite but there is a growing middle class demographic with an appetite for home ownership.
It is also unlikely that African banks will be developing adverse credit mortgage products similar to their Western counterparts. This is largely because many Africans simply do not have a credit history and therefore do not have impairments to their credit files. Instead, home loans are issued only to workers who are paid a salary and who have stable jobs. It is common in Africa for lenders to be paid their monthly mortgage repayments directly from the borrower's employers instead of from the borrower's bank accounts. This helps reduce risks to the lenders and as a reward the borrowers are often granted lower interest rates.
In the wake of the adverse credit mortgage crisis an unlikely beneficiary may therefore be Africa as lenders are increasingly looking for new markets to conquer for profit. It will be many years before the Western home loan market are fully repaired so it could be Africa's time to shine.
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First Signs of Turnaround in the Remortgage Market

First Signs of Turnaround in the Remortgage Market

It has been all doom and gloom in the remortgage market for nearly two years now. The sub prime lending crisis in the US signalled the beginning of the end of a long period of prosperity in the worldwide property market in which mortgage lenders flourished. It seemed like everyone owned at least one property whether it is their own residence or a buy-to-let intended to line their pockets in years to come.
Ever since news emerged that lenders were beginning to experience high rates of defaults on their loan books, particularly with their sub prime clients, there has been nothing but negative headlines and hard luck stories in the press regarding the mortgage and loan industry. However the first signs that the crisis may have peaked are beginning to emerge. This may be good news for millions of home owners who are struggling to remortgage their properties since lenders have pulled a multitude of products from the market in recent times.
Finding a good deal on a home loan was like taking candy from a baby in the early part of the decade. Lenders were falling over themselves to entice borrowers to sign on the dotted line for their latest discount rate product and were even offering incentives such as free valuations and cash back. How times have changed. Barely two years later it seems that door are being slammed in the faces of nearly everyone except the most credit worthy and cashed up home owners who apply for a remortgage product once their juicy fixed rate discounted mortgage period expires.
While home owners were all too happy to sign up for a typical two year fixed rate deal several years ago most of them didn't expect the market to turn so sharply between now and then. In the current economic climate it is extremely difficult to find an appropriate product to remortgage your home and so many home owners are forced to remain with the same product and flip their lender's harsh Standard Variable Rate. This can create substantial rate shock for some borrowers and has pushed many over the edge and into repossession.
Despite all this chaos the first signs that the worst of the credit crunch may be over are beginning to emerge. Lenders have begun reducing their interest rates, particularly on products for their least risky clients, without being prompted by the Bank of England by way of a base rate cut. This means that lenders are starting to put products onto the market to attract new business. This is something that has not occurred much in the last year or so as lenders have been wary of almost all new business.
The rapid rate in which mortgage and remortgage products were disappearing from the market has also reduced. Lenders seem to have re-evaluated their lending criteria to a point that they are happy to dip their toes in the water for a bit longer despite the fact the market is still cold. While these signs are promising they are in no way an indication that the credit crunch is about to be assigned to the history books. There is still a long way to go before home owners can remortgage to the kind of favourable deals that were widely available several years ago.
Remortgaging Buy

Remortgaging Buy

Getting into the buy-to-let property club can be difficult for novices particularly if they don't have much money to fund the enormous costs traditionally required to gain entry. These costs include substantial deposits, stamp duty, legal fees, mortgage fees, and potentially furniture and fixture costs depending on how the property is going to be set up for renting out to tenants.
A lot has changed in the property investment market during the past decade and one of the biggest changes is the reduced requirement to fund all the entry costs with hard cash. Crafty investors have discovered ways to forgo the need for a substantial deposit and have even found back door entrances to the buy-to-let club that do not require punters to pay for the other costs as well. This may seem a ludicrous or even illegal idea to traditionalists but there are ways to gain entry to the property investment club without burning a hole in your wallet. These methods rely on securing a hefty discount on the property you wish to buy and some clever financing during its purchase.
In order to buy an investment property most individuals will require a buy-to-let mortgage to fund the majority of the purchase price. A typical product will fund about seventy to eighty percent of the value of the property. Traditionally the remainder of the purchase price will be funded by a cash deposit from the purchaser. However in today's market the deposit can often be forgone in situations in which the purchaser secures a genuine discount off the true market value of the property.
The mortgage that will be secured against the property long term will not allow the buyer to simply forget about funding a deposit if they have secured a discount in its place. Buy-to-let mortgages will normally lend money based on the lower of the market value or the purchase price. This means it will fund around eighty percent of the discounted price meaning the buyer will still be required to fund a deposit. However if the property is funded via a different source at purchase a buy-to-let mortgage can be secured against the higher true market value of the property at a later date.
Bridging loans are typically used in this situation as they can be issued to borrowers based on the undiscounted value of the property, or its true market value. If a buyer managed to negotiate a twenty percent discount the bridging loan would provide the entire eighty percent required to secure the sale without the need for a cash deposit. A buy-to-let remortgage product can be organised at the same time and can effectively by used to redeem the bridging loan as soon as one day after the purchase of the property is completed.
The buy-to-let remortgage product will probably only be issued to around eighty percent of the market value of the property but as the property is already owned by the investor, and it is funded by a bridging loan to eighty percent of the market value of the property, the final result is that a normal buy-to-let mortgage will be secured against the property and no cash deposit was required in the purchasing process.
Aussie Self

Aussie Self

One of Australia's largest non-bank lenders has been offered up for sale by its owner GE Money – the giant American corporation with an international financial services arm. The mortgage lender has apparently been put on the market to stave off a takeover bid by its previous owner however it is likely that the sale has been triggered in part by the credit crunch.
Wizard Home Loans was founded in 1996 to offer Australian home owners and first time buyers the opportunity to obtain a mortgage without having to apply to one of the four major banks which had a monopoly on the market for many years. One of the main products offered by Wizard was a low-doc home loan which is the Australian version of a self-certification mortgage. This product was targeted at the self-employed, in the same manner as self-certification mortgage products, allowing non-employees to obtain a home loan with little documentation to verify their incomes.
Wizard had gained an impressive 2.5% of the total home loan market down under as one of many non-bank lenders which now operate in the nation's big mortgage market. Home ownership in Australia is considered to be one of the main goals of families and is often referred to as the "Australian dream." However the credit crunch has affected Wizard's performance of late as the availability of funds has dried up and interest rates have risen considerably in the Lucky Country.
The lender was sold to GE Money several years ago for about half a billion dollars. GE Money has therefore owned the company during a period of decline in the non-bank lending industry and is ripe for the picking. Enter one of the previous owners with a brash offer – for GE to pay him millions of dollars upfront as remuneration for him taking the reins of the business again and for an equity stake so he could profit from selling it off in the future when he turns its fortunes around. In reaction the giant American company has offered Wizard up for sale on the open market in an apparent bid to circumvent the bold prior owner of the mortgage lender and therefore not have to strike a deal with him.
The lender's fortunes have waned in recent times and it has been forced to close or sell off some of its 250 plus branches. Some branches are owned by individual Mum-and-Dad investors in a similar fashion to the popular franchise model for mortgage brokers down under. The reduction in funds available on the inter-bank market which can subsequently be loaned to home owners on a self-certification basis has also hit the lender hard as it is one of their more popular products.
Regardless of whom takes control of Wizard the lender will require someone with financial services expertise to put it back on track. The mortgage market is experiencing difficult times in Australia as it is in the UK and the USA in the wake of the sub-prime lending crisis. Unlike the US and the UK interest rates have risen considerably in Australia dealing a double blow to the self-certification mortgage market.
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